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Laptop Lending
Laptop Lending
- You will receive a laptop in a case, a charger, charging cord, a mouse, and a copy of this agreement in a bag.
- The laptop runs the “Windows 10” operating system, so the display will look similar to most of the library’s public computers.
- You may request a hotspot separately from the laptop. The library does not guarantee a hotspot will be available for all laptop checkouts.
- Wicomico Public Library cardholders with active accounts in good standing
- No overdue items
- No outstanding charges
- Borrower must be at least eighteen years old
- One laptop may be borrowed per card at any one time.
- Borrowers may check out laptops for 3 weeks at a time.
- Library laptops can be renewed up to 3 additional times if there are no holds on the item.
- To request a laptop renewal, please call:
- Sarbanes Branch 410-749-3612 x806
- Centre Branch 410-546-5397
- Pittsville Branch 410-835-2353
- Request a laptop through the library catalog. Have your library card number ready.
- Laptops may also be placed on hold by calling
- Sarbanes Branch 410-749-3612 x806
- Centre Branch 410-546-5397
- Pittsville Branch 410-835-2353
- Please note if you would like a hotspot.
- You will be notified by email or text message when a laptop is ready for you to pick up. Notification settings can be updated on library accounts.
- Tech support for laptops will not be available. However, if there is a problem with the device please contact your local library to return the device so our IT Department can take a look at it.
- Total replacement cost for a laptop & its accessories is $500.
- Contact the library if you have misplaced or damaged a single piece of the laptop.
- The borrower of the laptop assumes responsibility for the condition of that laptop while it is checked out to them. They are liable for any and all damaged or missing pieces, regardless of how the damage occurred.
- The borrower of the laptop is responsible for monitoring the use of the laptop by other parties.
- The Wicomico Public Library is not responsible for the content of the Internet or for any personal information shared while using the laptop.
- As per the library’s Internet Use Policy, any restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the child’s parent or legal guardian.
- The user will not use the laptop in ways that would break the law or violate the library’s Internet Use Policy.
- The borrower of the laptop must not use the laptop to engage in illegal activity or violations of the library’s Internet Use Policy. The borrower is liable for all damages resulting from such activity.
- The borrower agrees to return the laptop on or before the due date, and will abide by any penalties incurred by losing or damaging a laptop or its accessories.
- Library devices use Deep Freeze to restrict data from being saved to the hard drive.
- Users are responsible for saving to a USB drive or a cloud-based service.
- Make sure you have a copy of any files you created on a USB drive or a cloud-based service
- Check that everything has been returned to the bag.
- Bring the bag containing the laptop to the Wicomico Public Library Branch where the Laptop was initially checked out during open hours.
- Laptops will be checked by staff for damage
- The laptop must not be left in a hot or cold environment (vehicle, outdoors, etc.)
- The laptop must not get wet.
- The laptop must not be disassembled.
- The laptop should be returned fully charged.
Hotspot Lending
- A wi-fi hotspot is a device that provides Internet access anywhere it receives a signal.
- With a hotspot, you will be able to connect to the Internet using the laptop, as well as other compatible computers, phones, and tablet
- Total replacement cost for a laptop & its accessories is $100.
- Contact the library if you have misplaced or damaged a single piece of the Kajeet.