811 S 2nd St, Delmar
Need a place to study or do some work? Just need to use a computer for a short task? Stop by the Mobile Learning Lab parked at Hebron Fire Department!
-Free Computer use
-Job Search Help
Let's talk books! Join us for coffee and discussion.
Coffee and cups provided, but feel free to bring your own. We will be meeting on the main floor.
Come make a super neat flashlight hunt in a bag that can be switched out any time you want with any picture!
Supplies and Space limited, registration is required.
Attending Children
Children under 8 must be monitored by a guardian who is at least 13 years old to assure the safety and behavior of that child. Children ages 8 and older may visit the library independently provided they are able to care for themselves and are able to understand and follow the Library’s Behavior Guidelines.