Do you want to take a break from screens? Do you enjoy the classic board games? Bring your family or friends and go retro! The Mobile Learning Lab will be parked at the YMCA for this event.
Children age 2 - 6 and their caregivers are invited to Mini-Montessori! Montessori play is purposeful play that mimics real-life tasks. It focuses on mindfulness during activities and focusing on the task at hand.
Are you a video gamer? Try out our tech gaming options on board the Mobile Learning Lab (parked at Crown Sports Center)! We will have our Nintendo Switch, VR headset, tablets, and computers available for use.
Tie Dye in the Park
Celebrate the Summer with us and tie-dye in the park! Located at the Riverwalk Games Park across from the Sarbanes Branch. Bring your own cotton item to dye or the library will have a limited supply of items available to dye.
Attending Children
Children under 8 must be monitored by a guardian who is at least 13 years old to assure the safety and behavior of that child. Children ages 8 and older may visit the library independently provided they are able to care for themselves and are able to understand and follow the Library’s Behavior Guidelines.
Cool down every other Friday this summer at the Sarbanes Branch with an exciting movie and snacks! :D
*This movie is rated PG-13*